On Being Human: Mythic and Scientific Perspectives

A dialogue with ICE at Dartmouth director Marcelo Gleiser and three guests: physicist and novelist Tasneem Husain, anthropology professor Jeremy DeSilva, and planetary scientist David Grinspoon

What does it mean “to be human”? Are we special in any way? If, so, how? Watch ICE at Dartmouth director Marcelo Gleiser in a fascinating conversation with three very special guests: ICE at Dartmouth Fellow, physicist, and novelist Tasneem Husain will present humans as storytelling animals; Dartmouth anthropology professor Jeremy DeSilva will place humans within evolutionary history; and ICE at Dartmouth Fellow and planetary scientist David Grinspoon will discuss humans from the perspective of life elsewhere in the universe.

Special Guest Artists: The Passing Project music and dance

Recorded at Dartmouth College on November 1, 2018