The Future of Humanity: Scientific and Humanistic Perspectives
A Two-Day Virtual Conference
A Two-Day Virtual Conference
An ICE Public Dialogue with a panel led by ICE Director Marcelo Gleiser
An ICE Public Dialogue with Vanessa Woods, Brian Hare, M.T. Anderson, and ICE Director Marcelo Gleiser
Lecture by ICE Fellow Graham Hubbs
Lecture by ICE Fellow Matthew Nisbet
An ICE Public Dialogue with Her Excellency Joyce Banda, Pastor Barry Randolph, and ICE Director Marcelo Gleiser. Curated and moderated by Everard Findlay.
An ICE Public Dialogue with Richard Powers and Monica Gagliano
Life Sciences Center 100 – Oopik, Dartmouth College
An ICE Public Dialogue with Lord John Browne and Tad Friend
Museum of Science, Cahners Theater, Boston
Lecture by ICE Fellow Gabriel Rabin
103 Thornton Hall, Dartmouth College
An all-day workshop
Haldeman 246, Dartmouth College
Lecture by ICE Fellow Philipp Höhn
Wilder Hall, Room 202, Dartmouth College
Lecture by ICE Fellow Eric Campbell
Haldeman 41 (Kreindler Conference Hall)
A workshop with philosophers, physicists, and cognitive scientists
Dartmouth College
Lecture by ICE Fellow Michela Massimi
Wilder Hall, Room 111, Dartmouth College
An ICE Public Dialogue with Jaron Lanier and Sue Halpern
Museum of Science, Cahners Theater, Boston
Lecture by ICE Fellow David Grinspoon
Wilder Hall, Room 104, Dartmouth College
An ICE Public Dialogue with Tasneem Husain, Jeremy DeSilva, and David Grinspoon
Filene Auditorium, Moore Hall, Dartmouth College
Lecture by ICE Fellow David Grinspoon
Wilder 104, Dartmouth College
Lecture by ICE Fellow Tasneem Zehra Husain
Carpenter 13, Dartmouth College
An ICE Public Dialogue with Siddhartha Mukherjee and Elizabeth Kolbert
92nd Street Y, New York City
Lecture by ICE Fellow Daniel Singer
Wilder Hall, Room 115, Dartmouth College
Lecture by ICE Fellow Daniel Singer
103 Thornton Hall, Dartmouth College
An ICE Public Dialogue Between a Neuroscientist, Humanist, and Physicist
Museum of Science, Cahners Theater, Boston
Lecture by ICE Fellow Bertrand Guillaume
Wilder 104, Dartmouth College
An ICE Public Dialogue Between a Physicist and Historian of Science
Arizona State University, Marston Theater, Tempe, AZ
Special Seminar with ICE Fellow Anthony Aveni
Wilder 111
Workshop on a Workshop with ICE Fellow Anthony Aveni
Class of 1930 Room, Rockefeller Center
An ICE Public Dialogue on Science and Religion with Rebecca Goldstein and Alan Lightman
92nd Street Y, New York City
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