Tribalism: A Cross-Disciplinary Conversation

An ICE Public Dialogue with Vanessa Woods, Brian Hare, M.T. Anderson, and ICE@Dartmouth Director Marcelo Gleiser

From time immemorial our species has gathered in tribes. We still do, even if our notion of tribe has been greatly diversified to include socio-economic, religious, political, and many other tribal kinds. To what extent does tribalism serve us still? While the tribe protects and creates social cohesion, it also can segregate and ostracize. Join us for a timely live conversation with Duke University’s evolutionary anthropologists Vanessa Woods and Brian Hare—authors most recently of Survival of the Friendliest; National Book Award winner novelist and essayist M.T. Anderson; and ICE@Dartmouth director, physicist, and author Marcelo Gleiser.

Recorded live online on November 17, 2020