Question Reality! Science, Philosophy, and the Search for Meaning

How much can we know of the physical world? Can we know everything? Or are there fundamental limits to how much we can explain? If there are limits, to what extent can we explain the nature of physical reality? 
— Introduction to the online course taught by ICE Director Marcelo Gleiser

Questione a Realidade! Ciência, Filosofia e a Busca por Sentido

Quanto podemos conhecer do mundo? Será que podemos saber tudo? Ou será que existem limites fundamentais para o quanto podemos explicar? Se há limites, até que ponto podemos explicar a natureza da realidade física?

How Do We Talk About the World Consistently?

A brief introduction to zeroth-order logic
— Part 1 of From Epistemology to Information, a lecture series by ICE Fellow Damian Sowinski

How Do We Reason About the World Rationally?

The Cox axioms and probability theory
— Part 2 of From Epistemology to Information, a lecture series by ICE Fellow Damian Sowinski

Information: Our Dialogue With the World

The relationship between entropy and information
— Part 3 of From Epistemology to Information, a lecture series by ICE Fellow Damian Sowinski

Quantum Physics and the Nature of Reality

Why is quantum mechanics so weird?
— A conversation with David Kaiser, physicist and historian of science at MIT

The Nature of Human Consciousness

What is the deal with the mind-body problem? What is free will?
— A conversation with Adina Roskies, neuroscientist and professor of philosophy at Dartmouth College